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C# Source to Download Enrollment Data
Census Related Web Services > Download Enrollment Data From BenSelect > C# Source to Download Enrollment Data

The C# source below uses the Selerix .NET library and web services to prepare a Selerix data Transmittal, post it to BenSelect and obtain enrollment and census in the response.  Values in orange indicate data fields that differ by applicant/family. 

// Instantiate a Selerix Transmittal object and populate it with required values

Transmittal transmittalObj = new Transmittal();

transmittalObj.Group = new Group();

transmittalObj.PortfolioID = new Guid("87902A63-3EF7-43FA-ADA2-D9C9C9B4E0FE");

transmittalObj.SenderID = Guid.NewGuid();

transmittalObj.Type = TransmittalType.GetApplicants;


// Add the necessary information to obtain enrollment data for employees and their dependents.

// Requesting enrollment data for 3 employees using three different forms of identification

// to illustrate possible approaches.  The first employee has not completed enrollment and

// has no prior coverages in the system so the system does not return dependent information.

transmittalObj.Applicants = new ApplicantCollection();

transmittalObj.Applicants.Add(new Applicant()


    EmployeeIdent = "Employee_12345"            // Example 1: Use EmployeeIdent for this employee



transmittalObj.Applicants.Add(new Applicant()


    SSN = "998759263"                           // Example 2: Use employee's SSN for this one



transmittalObj.Applicants.Add(new Applicant()


    FirstName = "Lucy",                         // Example 3: Use name and birthdate

    LastName = "Boozman",

    BirthDate = new DateTime(1952, 6, 5)



// Instantiate a web services wrapper object and have it point to the BenSelect URL

SelerixWS.Enrollment enrollment = new SelerixWS.Enrollment();

enrollment.Url = "";


// Set the necessary security flags

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;



string outboundTransmittalXML = SerializationHelper.SerializeToString(transmittalObj);

txtTransmittalSend.Text = outboundTransmittalXML;


string transmittalResult = enrollment.Query("testcaseqxenroller", "thePassword", outboundTransmittalXML);


if (transmittalResult.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("ERROR"))

    sbpResult.Text = "Check return XML for error";


// Data is now in transmittalResult



See Also